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Preparing and Arriving

For 你的 Trip to Syracuse

确保你携带以下文件是非常重要的 人. Do not check them in your baggage! 

  • (注:加拿大公民不会在他们的护照上加盖签证章 护照.)
  • I-20/DS-2019, and SEVIS I-901 Fee Receipt
  • 财力证明(来自养,担保人银行的奖学金证明) statement, 等.)
  • 您将在飞机上收到用于填写海关文件的笔
  • 您的录取通知书或养的邀请函以及任何其他证明您的 状态
  • 小学指定学校主任的姓名及联络资料 养:
      Thomas Carter, Director of International Education
      博彩平台养  |  | 315-470-4754

世界动物卫生组织建议携带一个轻便的背包或其他可以装下所有东西的包 your important documents and materials in. In this backpack, it does not hurt to bring: 备用衣服、手机/充电器和一些美元. Other items you may 要考虑的包括:牙刷、除臭剂、小毛巾、运动衫、枕头、 等.

  • 服装 – Pack light where possible! It’s always okay to purchase stuff in Syracuse later on if needed. 同样重要的是要记住,锡拉丘兹的天气很冷 November to May but hot in July and August. Eventually you will need a warm winter jacket and snow boots. Most of these items can be bought while in Syracuse though.
  • 医学 -如果您需要携带药品,请确保携带药品的原件 container. 如果可能的话,带上医生开具的证明信(英文) that you need to take them.
  • Electronics -笔记本电脑和其他昂贵的电子产品也强烈建议打包. 不 忘了带一套适配器,它将使你的国家插头适应美国.S. 网点.
  • Miscellaneous – Try to pack at least one week’s worth of toiletries. This will help to make sure 你准备好了,直到你可以去购物. In addition, most 学生s 喜欢带小礼物给朋友和他们在美国遇到的人.S. Small cultural items usually make great gifts (including food)! Other 学生s also prefer to bring 一些小物件来代表他们的家——可以是照片、旗帜、乐器 or other items that will help you when you are homesick.

Kitchen items and bedding (sheets, towels, 等.) can take up a lot of packing space. 如果你想节省包装空间,考虑把这些东西留下,然后再买 在美国.S. 尽量避免打包任何高价值和/或不可替换的物品. 旅行时,你永远不会担心什么东西会丢失或被偷,所以最好随身携带 these items at home.

  • Kitchen Items -考虑购买一些小电器,如烤面包机、咖啡机、搅拌机、 rice cooker, 等. 你可能还需要购买以下物品:洗碗布、锅和 pans, dishes, silverware, floor mat, trash cans, 等.
  • Bathroom Items -别忘了买浴帘,还有浴垫、毛巾、柱塞、 trash cans, and other necessities. Stock up on toiletries and make sure you have any medicine you would need.
  • Living Room Items -考虑购买地毯、墙面装饰、落地灯、DVD播放器、电视等 items to help get settled down.
  • 卧室 -你可能需要床上用品(床单,枕头和被子),墙壁装饰,一个小的 TV, trash can, desk lamp, and other items. Perhaps you will need to stock up on school supplies such as notebooks, pens, printer, paper, 等.
  • Cleaning Supplies -考虑购买下列物品:地板抹布、扫帚、吸尘器、 漂白剂喷雾、马桶清洁剂、纸巾、垃圾袋、抹布、马桶刷等.


Immigration Procedure

There have been many recent changes to the entry procedure. You will first pass through 入境事务处,你将向官员出示上述文件. 你的 照片和指纹扫描将被拍摄(见下面的OMBI部分),你将是 被要求陈述你希望进入美国的原因,并提供相关信息 where you will be staying. It is important that you tell the immigration officer that you will be a 学生 at 博彩平台养.

  • If you enter the U.S. at an airport: After the officer reviews your documents and 当你被录取时,你的护照将被盖章并注明你的签证状态和期限 的状态.在离开展台之前,一定要检查记号是否写着“F-1 D/S”。. if you have an I-20. If you have a DS-2019, it should say “J-1 D/S”. If there is a discrepancy, be sure to ask the officer for clarification. You will not receive any other document that indicates your visa 状态. You will be able to print a paper I-94网站上的入境/出境记录(通常称为I-94). 在你 抵达校园后,您需要向OIE提供您的I-94副本.
  • If you enter the U.S. at a land crossing: You might be provided with a paper Form 入境口岸的I-94(到达/离开记录),您将填写并提供 to the immigration officer. If admitted, the officer will stamp your I-94 with your visa 状态 and duration 的状态. Before leaving the counter, be sure to check that 符号上写着“F-1 D/S”或“J-1 D/S”,如果有差异,一定要问清楚 the officer for clarification.

加拿大公民注意事项:由于您的护照上没有F-1签证,您可能需要申请F-1签证 will apply for F-1 状态 at the port of entry. It is important that you present the 带着你的I-20,让他们知道你想进入美国.S. 作为F-1 学生. Do not enter the U.S. as a tourist under the visa waiver program as you would need to depart the U.S. and reenter 作为F-1 学生 before you would be permitted 研究.)


Customs Procedure

通过入境检查后,您将领取您的行李 you have traveled by airplane) and proceed to Customs. You will give the Customs Declaration 表格(在入境口岸提供给您)在指示时交给官员和您 will not receive it back. 你的包有可能被随机搜查. 如果你的行李被选中进行搜查,一定要遵守工作人员的要求 instructions. 你通过海关后,就正式进入美国了!



Secondary Inspection

如果你的信息不能被移民官或移民局自动核实 如果你没有所有需要的文件,你可能会被引导到面试 area known as “secondary inspection”. Secondary inspection allows immigration officers 进行额外的调查以核实你的信息. If you are sent 需要二次检查并需要协助,请联系世界动物卫生组织.



Temporary Admission

未能提供适当的文件和/或遵守入境/出境手续 is cause to refuse a 学生 admission to the United States. In limited circumstances, 如果学生大部分符合规定,但没有完全符合规定,学生可能会被发给一份表格 I-515A “Notice to Student or Exchange 访问or”. This form authorizes temporary admission 并要求该学生立即采取行动提交适当的入学申请 documentation. 可能导致不遵守这些表格所载的指示 in denied reentry. 如果您收到I-515A,请务必与OIE联系 as soon as you arrive to 博彩平台养.




In March 2013, the Office of Biometric Identity Management was created to replace US-VISIT. OBIM maintains a comprehensive entry-exit registration 系统在全美所有国际机场进行预清关检查 facilities, and designated seaports servicing cruise ships. All nonimmigrant visitors 持签证者(包括学生)将参加生物识别项目 需要扫描两个指印和一张数码照片. 种族, 国籍和宗教不是生物识别程序的因素,因为它适用 to all nonimmigrant visa holders.