

The following Transfer Articulation Guidelines (TAG) display the transfer course requirements 适用于所有网赌平台专业. Students should match the course requirements with the list of 认可的等同课程. Refer to the notes below for further information on the transfer agreement between SUNY 网赌平台 and this institution.

Questions, please call: 1-315-470-6600 or fill out the 索取资料表格

Associate Degree Programs at the Ranger School Campus


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

应用科学副学士一年级: All Students (Completed at a college of the student's choice)

Students interested in the 1+1 articulation agreement into one of the Associate Degree Programs at the Ranger School should complete the following courses:

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
Biology II w/ Lab or 化学I / Lab or Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580或BIO2660或BIO2670* or CHE1500 or CHE1550 or PHY1610或PHYS1510**
英语作文I 3 credits ENG1510 ***或ENG1530
英语写作II或英语文学 3 credits ENG1530或****见下面的说明
Trigonometry 3 credits MAT1590或MAT1600或MAT1710
博彩平台教授:多元化、公平、包容 & Social Justice 3 credits 任何认可课程

*计划继续学习B的学生.S. 森林资源管理学位课程 或者自然资源管理.A.S. 学位应完成BIO1580 or BIO2660 & BIO2670的生物学要求.

**PHYS1510只会转移到A.A.在游骑兵学校的S项目,并将 不能转入B区.S. 锡拉丘兹校区的项目.

*** ENG1510 will fulfill one of the English requirements for the Ranger School but 不能转到网赌平台攻读学士学位.

**** Students planning on completing a bachelors degree at 网赌平台 after the Ranger School should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at 詹姆斯敦社区学院.

NOTE:  To build a full-time schedule (a minimum of 12 credits per semester) and/or to prepare to continue in a bachelor degree program at 网赌平台, please contact the Office of Undergraduate 电话:315-470-6600或电子邮件: esfinfo@mottosac.com for advice on appropriate course selection for your intended 网赌平台 bachelor degree program of study.  Such additional course work will not count towards associate degree requirements.

Forest Technology

Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

应用科学副学士一年级: All Students (Completed at a college of the student's choice)

Students interested in the 1+1 articulation agreement into one of the Associate Degree Programs at the Ranger School should complete the following courses:

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505*
Biology II w/ Lab or 化学I / Lab or Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580或BIO2660或BIO2670* or CHE1500 or CHE1550 or PHY1610或PHYS1510**
英语作文I 3 credits ENG1510***或ENG1530
英语写作II或英语文学 3 credits ENG1530或****见下面的说明
Trigonometry 3 credits MAT1590或MAT1600或MAT1710
博彩平台教授:多元化、公平、包容 & Social Justice 3 credits 任何认可课程

*计划继续学习B的学生.S. 森林资源管理学位课程 或者自然资源管理.A.S. 学位应完成BIO1580 or BIO2660 & BIO2670的生物学要求.

**PHYS1510只会转移到A.A.在游骑兵学校的S项目,并将 不能转入B区.S. 锡拉丘兹校区的项目.

*** ENG1510 will fulfill one of the English requirements for the Ranger School but 不能转到网赌平台攻读学士学位.

**** Students planning on completing a bachelors degree at 网赌平台 after the Ranger School should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at 詹姆斯敦社区学院.

NOTE:  To build a full-time schedule (a minimum of 12 credits per semester) and/or to prepare to continue in a bachelor degree program at 网赌平台, please contact the Office of Undergraduate 电话:315-470-6600或电子邮件 esfinfo@mottosac.com for advice on appropriate course selection for your intended 网赌平台 bachelor degree program of study.  Such additional course work will not count towards associate degree requirements.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

应用科学副学士一年级: All Students (Completed at a college of the student's choice)

Students interested in the 1+1 articulation agreement into one of the Associate Degree Programs at the Ranger School should complete the following courses:

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570 or BIO1580 or BIO1575 or BIO7505 or BIO2670 or BIO2660 *
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY1610或PHYS1510**
英语作文I 3 credits ENG1510***或ENG1530
英语写作II或英语文学 3 credits ENG1530或***见下面的说明
Trigonometry 3 credits MAT1590或MAT1600或MAT1710
博彩平台教授:多元化、公平、包容 & Social Justice 3 credits 任何认可课程

*计划继续学习B的学生.S. 森林资源管理学位课程 或者自然资源管理.A.S. 学位应完成BIO1580 or BIO2660 & BIO2670的生物学要求.

**PHYS1510只会转移到A.A.在游骑兵学校的S项目,并将 不能转入B区.S. 锡拉丘兹校区的项目.

*** ENG1510 will fulfill one of the English requirements for the Ranger School but 不能转到网赌平台攻读学士学位.

*** Students planning on completing a bachelors degree at 网赌平台 after the Ranger School should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at 詹姆斯敦社区学院.

NOTE:  To build a full-time schedule (a minimum of 12 credits per semester) and/or to prepare to continue in a bachelor degree program at 网赌平台, please contact the Office of Undergraduate 电话:315-470-6600或电子邮件 esfinfo@mottosac.com for advice on appropriate course selection for your intended 网赌平台 bachelor degree program of study.  Such additional course work will not count towards associate degree requirements.



Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
Calculus I 4 credits MAT1710 
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
生命多样性1 3 credits BIO2670
生命多样性II 3 credits BIO2660
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
Electives 16 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
Genetics w/ Lab 4 credits BIO2560
全球环境 3 credits BIO1550或BIO2570或BIO2600或CMM2600 or ANT2600
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
有机化学I / Lab 4 credits CHE2530
有机化学II w/ Lab or Physics II w/ Lab or Calculus II 4 credits CHE2540或PHY1620或PHY2710或MAT1720
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY1610或PHY1710
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580或BIO2660 & BIO2670*
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
Calculus I & II 8 credits MAT1710 & MAT1720
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
Electives 9 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
Genetics w/ Lab 3 credits BIO2560
专注于写作的文学 3 credits ** See note below
Math Elective 3 credits MAT2650或MAT1540
有机化学I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE2530 & CHE2540
Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY1610 & PHY1620
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 6 credit hours in two of the five following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


Social Science

The Arts

6 credits  

*完成BIO2660的学生 & 詹姆斯敦的BIO2670将获得网赌平台的学分 the following:

BIO2670 = EFB101&102

BIO2660 =选修学分

** Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
生物学II(细胞)带实验室 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
微积分一,二,三 12 credits MAT1710 & MAT1720 & MAT2650
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
计算机编程 3 credits CSC1570或CSC1590或CSC1600或CSC1680
微分方程 3 credits MAT2680
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
有机化学I / Lab 4 credits CHE2530 
工程物理I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY1710 & PHY2710
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580或BIO2660 & BIO2670*
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
Calculus I & II 8 credits MAT1710 & MAT1720
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
Diversity of Life 3 credits BIO2660或BIO2670
Electives 23 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
Genetics w/ Lab 4 credits BIO2560
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
Microbiology (EFB303 Environmental Microbiology at 网赌平台) 4 credits BIO2530或BIO2531+BIO2532
有机化学I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE2530 & CHE2540 **
Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY1610 & PHY1620 **
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 6 credit hours in two of the five following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


Social Science

The Arts

6 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.

** Completion of either the required organic chemistry or physics sequences (or both) 在转到B之前.S. in Biotechnology will greatly enhance course scheduling and time to degree completion once enrolled at SUNY- 网赌平台. 整体学术能力强 record and successful completion of either or both of these sequences will also improve an applicant’s likelihood of admission to this degree program.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
生物学II(细胞)带实验室 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
微积分一,二,三 12 credits MAT1710 & MAT1720 & MAT2650
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
计算机编程 3 credits CSC1570或CSC1590或CSC1600或CSC1680
微分方程 3 credits MAT2680
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
有机化学I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE2530 & CHE2540
工程物理I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY1710 & PHY2710
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580或BIO2660 & BIO2670*
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
Calculus I & II 8 credits MAT1710 & MAT1720
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
Electives 13 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
专注于写作的文学 3 credits ** See note below
Math Elective 3 credits MAT2650***
有机化学I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE2530 & CHE2540
Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY1610 & PHY1620
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 6 credit hours in two of the five following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


Social Science

The Arts

6 credits  

*完成BIO2660的学生 & 詹姆斯敦的BIO2670将获得网赌平台的学分 the following:

BIO2670 = EFB101&102

BIO2660 =选修学分

** Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.

*** Examples of math electives are calculus III (recommended), statistics, differential 方程和线性代数. Please consult the SUNY-网赌平台 Admissions Office for assistance 通过选课.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
Calculus I 4 credits MAT1710 
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
生命多样性1 3 credits BIO2670
生命多样性II 3 credits BIO2660
Electives 22 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
Genetics w/ Lab 4 credits BIO2560
全球环境 3 credits BIO1550或BIO2570或BIO2600或CMM2600 or ANT2600
保育生物学概论(EFB413) 3 credits BIO2550
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY1610
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
商业与管理法(网赌平台 FOR485) 3 credits BUS2530
Calculus I 4 credits MAT1710
化学I / Lab 4 credits CHE1550
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
Electives 18 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
Accounting 3 credits BUS1510或BUS1520
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
Physics w/ Lab 4 credits PHY1610
管理学原理 3 credits BUS2570
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
Public Speaking  3 credits CMM1610
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
Calculus I 4 credits MAT1710
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
生命多样性1 3 credits BIO2670
生命多样性II 3 credits BIO2660
Electives 28 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
Genetics w/ Lab 4 credits BIO2560
全球环境 3 credits BIO1550或BIO2570或BIO2600或CMM2600 or ANT2600
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
有机化学I / Lab 4 credits CHE2530
有机化学II w/ Lab or Physics II w/ Lab or Calculus II 4 credits CHE2540或PHY1620或MAT1720
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY1610
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College. 

Student Note: 环境生物学 requires 1 and recommends 2 semesters of physics. 某些研究生学位/专业 programs (e.g. medical, veterinary schools) generally require two semesters of calculus-based physics. PHY1710 & PHY2710 will fulfill the program requirements and are recommended 为计划攻读研究生课程的学生准备.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
微积分预科或微积分I 4 credits MAT1600或MAT1710
化学I / Lab 4 credits CHE1550 
生命多样性1 3 credits BIO2670
生命多样性II 3 credits BIO2660
Electives 18 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
全球环境 3 credits BIO1550或BIO2570或BIO2600或CMM2600 or ANT2600
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580或BIO2660 & BIO2670*
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
Calculus I & II 8 credits MAT1710 & MAT1720
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
Electives 6 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
专注于写作的文学 3 credits ** See note below
Microbiology (EFB303 Environmental Microbiology at 网赌平台) 4 credits BIO2530或BIO2531+BIO2532
有机化学I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE2530 & CHE2540
Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY1610或PHY1620
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 6 credit hours in two of the five following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


Social Science

The Arts

6 credits  

*完成BIO2660的学生 & 詹姆斯敦的BIO2670将获得网赌平台的学分 the following:

BIO2670 = EFB101&102

BIO2660 =选修学分

** Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570 or BIO1580或BIO2660或BIO2670 or BIO1575 or BIO7505
Calculus I, II, & III 12 credits MAT1710 & MAT1720 & MAT2650
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
微分方程 3 credits MAT2680
Earth Science 3 credits GLG1550 or BIO2600 or AST1510 or GLG1550 or MET1510
工程力学-静力学 3 credits ENR2550
工程物理I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY1710 & PHY2710
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 6 credit hours in two of the five following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


Social Science

The Arts

6 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
高等科学与数学 6 credits * See note below
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580或BIO2660 & BIO2670**
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
Calculus I & II 8 credits MAT1710 & MAT1720
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
Electives 12 credits  
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
工程物理I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY1710 & PHY2710
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
全球环境 3 credits BIO1550或BIO2570或BIO2600或CMM2600 or ANT2600
专注于写作的文学 3 credits ***见下文
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

* Examples of advanced science and math courses would be Botany (BIO2660), Zoology (BIO2670), Calculus 3 or 4, Organic Chemistry 1 or 2, Quantum Physics, Analytical 化学或微生物学.  Please consult the 网赌平台 Office of 本科招生 协助选课.

**完成BIO2660的学生 & 詹姆斯敦的BIO2670将获得网赌平台的学分 the following:

BIO2670 = EFB101&102

BIO2660 =选修学分

*** Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
美国政府/政治学 3 credits POL1510或POL2570
Biology I  w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580或BIO2670或BIO2660
生物II(含实验室或环境地质)* 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505或GLG1510
化学I / Lab 4 credits CHE1550 
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
Electives ** 18 - 21 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
全球环境 3 credits BIO1550或BIO2570或BIO2600或CMM2600 or ANT2600
专注于写作的文学 3 credits ***见下文
Coll Algebra & 三角或微积分预科或微积分**** 3 - 4 credits MAT1590或MAT1600或MAT1710
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
公共演讲(网赌平台 EWP220) 3 credits CMM1610
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

*学生必须选修生物II或地质学.  对自然感兴趣的学生 系统应用选项必须选生物学II.

** 对自然感兴趣的学生 Systems Applications option must complete Chemistry II代替他们的选修课程之一.

*** Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.

**** 对自然感兴趣的学生 Systems Applications option must complete Calculus I. 


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580或BIO2660 & BIO2670**
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
Calculus I 4 credits MAT1710
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
Electives 14 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
专注于写作的文学 3 credits ***见下文
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY1610
管理学原理 3 credits BUS2570
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

**完成BIO2660的学生 & 詹姆斯敦的BIO2670将获得网赌平台的学分 the following:

BIO2670 = EFB101&102

BIO2660 =选修学分

*** Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.

Forest Health

Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
生命多样性1 3 credits BIO2670
生命多样性II 3 credits BIO2660
Electives 19 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
Genetics w/ Lab 4 credits BIO2560
全球环境 3 credits BIO1550或BIO2570或BIO2600或CMM2600 or ANT2600
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
Microbiology (EFB303 Environmental Microbiology at 网赌平台) 4 credits BIO2530或BIO2531+BIO2532
有机化学I / Lab 4 credits CHE2530
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY1610 ***
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
应用代数和三角学或微积分预科 3 credits MAT1590或MAT1600
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580或BIO2660 & BIO2670*
Biology II (FOR232 Natural Resources Ecology at 网赌平台) 3 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
化学I / Lab 4 credits CHE1550
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
Electives 15 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
专注于写作的文学 3 credits ** See note below
管理学原理 3 credits BUS2570
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
Public Speaking 3 credits CMM1610
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

*完成BIO2660的学生 & 詹姆斯敦的BIO2670将获得网赌平台的学分 the following:

BIO2670 = EFB101&102

BIO2660 =选修学分

** Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab

4 credits

BIO1570 or BIO1580 or BIO1575 or BIO2660或BIO2670 or BIO7505
Drawing Studio  3 credits ART1510或ART1520
Elective 16 credit  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
Mathematics 3 credits MAT1540或MAT1590或MAT1600或MAT1710
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  
**General Education requirement - American History or Foreign Language or Social Science 3 credits  
**通识教育要求-世界历史 & 全球意识(LSA205或206) at 网赌平台).

Preference is a course focused on art or architectural history.

3 credits ART1550或ART1560

* Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Jamestown Community College.

** Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Accounting 3 credits BUS1410或BUS1510或BUS1520
应用代数和三角学或微积分预科 3 credits MAT1590或MAT1600
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580或BIO2660 & BIO2670*
商业与管理法(网赌平台 FOR485) 3 credits BUS2530
化学I / Lab 4 credits CHE1550
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
Electives 21 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
专注于写作的文学 3 credits ** See note below
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY1610
管理学原理 3 credits BUS2570
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
Public Speaking 3 credits CMM1610
社会学或心理学 3 credits Any course with a PSY prefix or any course with a SOC prefix
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

*完成BIO2660的学生 & 詹姆斯敦的BIO2670将获得网赌平台的学分 the following:

BIO2670 = EFB101&102

BIO2660 =选修学分

** Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.

Paper Engineering

Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Calculus I, II, & III 12 credits MAT1710 & MAT1720 & MAT2650
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
计算机编程 3 credits CSC1570或CSC1590或CSC1600或CSC1680
微分方程 3 credits MAT2680
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
工程物理I & II w/Lab 8 credits PHY1710 & PHY2710
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
有机化学I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE2530 & CHE2540
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the three following general education categories:

American History


3 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Calculus I & II 8 credits MAT1710 & MAT1720 
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
计算机编程 3 credits CSC1570或CSC1590或CSC1600或CSC1680
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
有机化学I / Lab 4 credits CHE2530
Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY1710 & PHY2710或PHY1610 & PHY1620
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the three following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


3 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
大学代数或更高 3 credits MAT1590或MAT1600或MAT1710
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
Electives 21 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
可持续发展概论 3 credits BIO1550或BIO2570或BIO2600或CMM2600
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
物理科学选修课 3 credits BIO1570 or BIO1575 or BIO1580或BIO2660或BIO2670 or BIO7505 or CHE1500 or CHE1550 或GLG1510或GLG1550或PHY1610
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
Public Speaking 3 credits CMM1610
Sociology 3 credits 任何有SOC前缀的课程
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 6 credit hours in two of the following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

6 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.


Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
会计或财务 3 credits BUS1410或BUS1510或BUS1520
应用代数和三角学或微积分预科 3 credits MAT1590或MAT1600
生物学(有机)带实验室 4 credits BIO1580或BIO2660 & BIO2670*
商业与管理法(网赌平台 FOR485) 3 credits BUS2530
化学I /实验室或化学原理概览 4 credits CHE1550或CHE1500
Economics 3 credits ECO2610 or ECO2620
Electives 21 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
专注于写作的文学 3 credits ** See note below
Physics of Energy 3 credits PHY1610
管理学原理 3 credits BUS2570
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
Public Speaking 3 credits CMM1610
Introduction to Sociology (Human Dimensions Elective) 3 credits SOC1510
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

*完成BIO2660的学生 & 詹姆斯敦的BIO2670将获得网赌平台的学分 the following:

BIO2670 = EFB101&102

BIO2660 =选修学分

** Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.

Wildlife Science

Depending on your intended major at 网赌平台, students will generally enroll in the Environmental Science A.S. 主修文科和理科:数学 & Science A.S. major, or the Biotechnology A.S. 詹姆斯敦社区的专业.  詹姆斯敦社区学院的选择 major should be made in consultation with a 詹姆斯敦社区学院 advisor.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1580
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO1570或BIO1575或BIO7505
Calculus I 4 credits MAT1710 
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHE1550 & CHE1560
生命多样性1 3 credits BIO2670
生命多样性II 3 credits BIO2660
Electives 22 credits  
注重写作 3 credits ENG1530
Genetics w/ Lab 4 credits BIO2560
全球环境 3 credits BIO1550或BIO2570或BIO2600或CMM2600 or ANT2600
专注于写作的文学 3 credits * See note below
有机化学实验室或物理实验室 4 credits CHE2530或PHY1610
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT1540
General Education Requirement - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 3 credits  

Complete 3 credit hours in one of the four following general education categories:

American History

Foreign Language


The Arts

3 credits  

* Students should select their second English course from the list of English courses approved to meet the humanities general education requirement at Jamestown Community College.

